That facebook is a popular social media in our generation and this time, now a lot of people in our world have facebook account. Facebook you can help contact people away from you like cellphone, skype, yahoo, etc.
Can I ask you? Can you make serious relationship via facebook? Will you serious guy/girl, when you he/she knew on facebook only?
Some netizens have answer to our question, they’re opinions are varied. Have netizens agreed with that, when you fall in love with him/her, Yes it is not impossible when you really serious and you want to with him/her forever, and you both do anything to your relationship no matter what happen. But have some netizens disagreed with that. They said it’s not possible cause facebook is only social media and you can cheat someones when you have relatioship on facebook, and you don’t what he/she doing everyday, and you do not think he/she has other someones.
In my own opinions, this is possible you can make serious relationship on facebook, if you feel, he/she really loves you, and he/she do anything to make happy you, and when you both fall in love to each other, and you both resolute to be with her/him and finally get engage.
Can I know your opinion? Yes or No? and why! explain your opinions! Thanks!